Saturday, May 5, 2018

Sailor Moon Melody Cafe x Spa

 Do you know how much self control I needed in order to NOT buy everything haha..

 I got this eco bag for grocery shopping
 Isn't this the cutest, but I wish it was for the outer scouts!
 I ended up NOT eating here because the food looked CUTE but not delicious.
 I won the plush.
 Haha.. something unique I had to do!

 Photo booth

 A special pokemon event at Peninsula OMG... Who would've thought!

 I got all the stickers for my luggage hahaa..
 I don't just like expensive food lol conbini food is good too ya know in Japan esp!
 Spa at Peninsula I booked the cherry blossom ritual, since I missed hanami. :(

 She was a lovely lady!

 Ended it with organic matcha and delicious (FAT) macaroon!
 Look at how fat and thick it is!

 We discussed healthy diet and she recommended checking out these doctors.
 I was going to eat oyako don, but ended up with yakitori because I didn't want to eat rice.

 The sauce was a bit salty


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