Saturday, May 5, 2018

Monster Hunter World Bar Pasela Resort Japan Shinjuku

Make sure to make a reservation if you want to visit this place and I don't think they're affiliated with the Capcom cafe?!

Do you guys see the wall sticker? LOVE the little details!
My scoutflies... lol.
This palico looks so REAL and cool!!!!!! Love it!!!!!!!!!!!
Where is the acorn shovel?
I would love the jacket on the left, but I don't have a twitter and what are the odds of me getting it?!

The exact pair of weapon I have in the game!

This is based on a puffed up Paolumu! So creative and cool... do you guys see what I am saying?

 They lit it on fire! The food was actually not bad for a themed restaurant!
 They're VERY expensive. -____-;;;;

 This looked cool, but it was just A LOT of cream and a little cake at the bottom lol. Based on KIRIN!!!!!!!!!!!!

 The worker in a palico hat!

 The quest board! There are actually some "quests" there.

 I met a couple who met through MONSTER HUNTER at this place. They were chatting with me and they were kind. I asked them if I could take pics of their food and they were okay with it! They gifted me THREE items they just got from Akihabara. I was so touched because they didn't have to and I would've been happy with just ONE! A towel and two folders!!!! They're so kind!!!!!!!!!!!

 A gift I got from here. Curry flavored cashews! Yummy.

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