Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Black Mirror from a 90s kid

This series definitely got me thinking quite a bit and how a lot of us have become obsessed with technology or social media unknowingly. I grew up in the 90s and I already had a shared computer in my home at the age of 6 since my parents' work required them to use computers. We were only allowed to use it half an hour a day and I had to log in through AOL. "You've got mail!". Yes my parents actually paid for my child's account at the time and it blocked out a lot of stuff haha! We didn't get our own individual desktop in the living room area until junior high, since we needed to have our assignments type up a lot of times. I also didn't get my own cell phone until I got my first part time job at the age of 16! What did I do during all that time without a LAPTOP and CELL PHONE?! Dude... I seriously don't know... hahaha. How'd I manage to survive in this world without the outlets to the outside virtual world. Bottom line is I fucking survived without that shit growing up lol! My first social media software was probably YAHOO instant messenger and then AIM! I actually had a XANGA and RATEMYPIC profile when I was 11. My parents didn't even fricking know about it, I imagine kids nowadays get away with a lot more crap. I jumped onto the MYSPACE bandwagon when I was uhm.. 14/15? Uhm... with guys trying to hola and looking back that was a bit insane for a 14 YO. My parents had no clue and they bought my a digital camera when I was 11, so I would snap pics of myself and post them online frequently! I even created my own website at the time and had a "message board". I was really into myspace at the time because I received friend requests and messages from strangers daily. It was really fun to connect with strangers and knowing what strangers thought of my profile. I mean I wasn't even 18 at the time and it was like a whole new world for me to explore. I went out to run errands without my phone today for the first time in years and boy that felt refreshing. I had nothing to check or to distract me during my drive, haha.. I mean one day is cool, but I don't think it's possible to do it for weeks. I've relied so much on social media without knowing it to express my thoughts (as if someone actually out there cares). Fuck I do it for myself!!!!

What people go through just to get views and likes is another whole new topic, but damn... I can't even imagine. By the end of the day, I know I've got an addiction LOL, I am addicted to my phone and social media! However, I still want to remain true to myself and post what really represents me. I won't pretend to be someone I am not just to be liked. I just want to be myself... haha. Damn rambling again LOL.

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