Sunday, July 22, 2018


 I really have no eye or face makeup here, but I do have eyelash extensions that make it seem like I have eye makeup! It is quite amazing lol... I also did use the insta filter that softens the pic. I like eyelash extensions, but the service here doesn't even compare to the service in Japan lol....
 I DON'T LIKE BAD BOYS... hehe. I genuinely like nice guys.
 I can't wait for the UNI DOLL TO BE COMPLETED! She is AMAZING~

 My new favorite! Brad's veggie chips are a healthier option
 THANKS... something for me to try.
 MICKEY LEE MELONS.. I got one to try.
 Yellow DOLL watermelon.. lol such creative cutesy names

 These sound good, but I have to cut down on snacking on this kind of stuff. I should be snacking on veggies instead lol

 I really like the rosemary mint scent
These taste delicious! I like the elderberry flavor haha

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