Monday, January 25, 2016

Baratie restaurant ODAIBA One piece

 Some goodies I got from... I forgot where lol.
 These super cute makeup brushes! Made in Japan, so I couldn't skip. The size is perfect for my makeup pouch too.
 This is Anagi nigiri, OMG... I didn't really like the UNAGI in the US usually, but THIS WAS SO FUCKING GOOD.
 Shrimp *obviously*

 Soooo delicious

 This octopus was so tender that it was shocking. Definitely not something I'd order in the US normally

 Beef tongue jerky
 Negi miso yummy... this was delicious
 Starbucks Japan had greeting cards for sale
 I always stock up on these whenever I go to Japan

 Wasabi kit kat... hell to the no? Who knows.. it might be delicious


 This was the mermaid island dessert and they added salted wakame to it for a sea salt like taste. IT WAS SUCH A GOOD TASTE.

Gifts for BOR BOR

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