Thursday, January 28, 2016

Beauty is pain & photo shoot talk

 This is the salon (Peekaboo) I usually visit whenever I return to Japan. The haircut itself was fast, but coloring took 4 hours. I came in at 10am, which is their opening time and didn't leave until around 2pm ish.
 My kind stylist offered me some fruit tea. It was delicious!
 This cup holder is such a nice touch for the paper cup. Hahaha...
 Highlights.... yawn!!!!
 I literally had 3 people working on me! One for my hands, two for my feet. This is hardcore stuff, but still took 2 hours.


Most men or people don't know, but fuck my ass hella hurt from sitting. I was chit chatting with the people or on my phone to kill time. I usually don't drink coffee, but I drank 2 cups on that day. I was also jet lagged. EWW.


It was worth it from my perspective, but it doesn't mean I had a good time waiting. Haha.
After having a professional photo shoot, it made me realize how much effort it takes to look beautiful in front of the camera. I had a makeup artist work her magic on my face while the hair stylist worked on my hair. The painful part for makeup came down to eye makeup. Holy fuck, it felt like my eye balls were being poked out and the makeup artist added these heavy eyelashes on my eyelids. I don't usually wear fake eyelashes, so it took awhile to adjust to its weight. The entire process probably took a little over an hour, and that was considered FAST. My makeup artist didn't miss a step, she did contouring and highlighting as well. She pinched my eyelid with a pair of tweezers accidentally which really hurt, but I didn't mind. I was totally transformed, lol. The head gear was heavy as HELL, roughly 5 lbs or so it felt like. The outfit was definitely another 5 lbs, so I was trying so hard to hold up. I felt super tense while they started doing test shots. I wasn't nervous or anything, but it was all new to me and the heavy outfit made me feel uneasy. They had to play around with lighting, and test shots. Each shot was examined by like 3 - 4 people and makeup had to be touched up in between. It was more work than I thought and holding up that damn outfit wasn't exactly easy. Every flaw was basically examined or seen on the screen and corrected somehow with makeup or lighting. Every thing from my hand posture to the position of my pendant mattered. Posing was harder than I thought and making faces for the photos. I can see why people who model professionally take such good care of themselves because all the little things matter. For example , your skin has to be clear and moisturized before an important shoot. Therefore, you will probably have a facial and do a face mask. Oh, did I also mention a strict diet?! Eww.. Hhhaha, I love my food. XP Sure, most people would rather do this than hard core labor, but it was an interesting experience. :D

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