Thursday, January 14, 2016

Not my business!

I am not a parent yet, but I would never want my kid to miss school because of my own laziness. School is important and how many kids from poor countries would love to get an education?! It kind of annoys me when a kid gets mistreated. I know I shouldn't be because it is not my kid. I mean most people would hate to see a dog or cat get mistreated lol, so yeah.. I mean it's a human being we are talking about! He is not being physically or verbally abused, but definitely not being fed right. His dad thinks it's okay to feed a growing kid processed food (chicken nuggets & hot dogs) daily because he is skinny. It is NOT okay because he needs a lot of nutrition at this age and not a lot of processed food DAILY. x___x Yes, I said daily! I just need to remind myself IT IS NOT MY BUSINESS and IT IS NOT MY KID. END OF STORY. DONE VENTING!

I am quite picky with what I put in Bor Bor's bowl because she is old and her teeth aren't as strong as they used to be! XP

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