Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Cat clothes

I love strawberry pocky!

 I have a habit of using nose strips lol... at least once a week!
 Food around his mouth LOL

 Decisions decisions...

 Thanks for dropping off food for me!
 I got this set for BOR when I was in Japan a few years ago... AWWW!

Sick family

 My usual breakfast. Almond butter (Barney almond butter) with organic apples. Man.. I am not feeling good and have been taking med. I am not in a really good mood because of this.
 Still pretty swollen after a week. Hang in there Smokey. I kept my nails short because I've to take good care of my cats. Can't wait to paint them again.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Japanese cat food

 Cat food for 15 yo
 For 13 yo
For 20 yo... damn. I wish Bor Bor was able to live for that long. This is so specific for each stage of a cat's life which makes a lot of sense. I wish the US had more selection like Japan. They usually just have Adults, Senior and Kittens.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Not feeling well Sunday

5 months... Uni's teeth.
<3 I love Boa Hancock. NOW I WANT THE OTHER ONES.

Chicken salad

I WANT THEM, but I have a lot of them already.