Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Valentine FUCKing Day

So fucking mad. Uni already contracted 3 things (4 to be exact) from the shelter and his fecal test just came back positive for GIARDIA. What kind of fucking shelter is 9lives. Yeah yeah they told me Uni was good to go. Fuck them. Poor kitten was only 4 months old when I adopted him. Ringworm and giardia are both contagious to humans. They didn't tell me that Uni had them, but good thing I have been very observant. I don't have a fucking problem administering med to my baby, but I have taken him to Bor's regular vet ever since they refused to give me more ringworm med. Bor's veterinarian told me med was needed because of the large lesions; however, this shelter said only shampoo was needed. I don't want to quarantine a poor kitten in my kitchen or bathroom, he deserves to run around freely and play. I have to spend a few hundred bucks out of my own pocket because of their negligence. They said they'd cover the medical expenses if the kitten was treated at their clinic, but NO THANKS. I don't trust them... at ALL. I'm glad I am observant and I do not simply just take photos of him. I am not a cat owner who only knows how to play with cats. I truly truly care and as a responsible owner, it is my job to look for signs. Uni didn't show any signs of GIARDIA, but I saw a slight bit of rectal tissue sticking out for a quick minute. I called the vet and sent in fecal sample. This doesn't gross me out because this is for my baby's well being and this is a part of life.
What is GIARDIA?
"Giardia are protozoa. They're not a bacteria or virus, also not a worm. They're single-celled little creepy dudes that look a lot like jellyfish under a microscope. The scientific name for giardia is Giardia intestinalis or Giardia lamblia. Giardia are zoonotic parasites, meaning they can be passed from an animal to a human." - Taken from Pets. The Nest. It could be life threatening for kittens if they become dehydrated. I am SO thankful I caught it on time.

Thanks for dropping off lunch <3

FUCK YOU GUYS. Will gladly? You guys told me the ringworm med was expensive and ONLY ended up giving me some diluted shampoo. FUCK YOU GUYS.

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