Monday, February 13, 2017

Uni & Chef Chu

 The sweet potato one was so delicious but heavy.

 Looking at more natural makeup recently.

 So true!

 I brought him to Bor's regular vet and they told me he needed to be on med for 3 more weeks. The damn shelter said to just use shampoo until it was gone. The shampoo wasn't working and I could tell. The shelter even told me giving him med was expensive. God I hate them.

 The shelter was responsible for his ringworm and they told me his med was expensive. (Written in their adoption policy, med was on them etc ONLY if I brought him back to them!) They didn't give me anything more than 2 weeks worth of med, and refused to give him more med! For 50 bucks, they were willing to let my baby boy suffer. I wanted aggressive treatment because he is a kitten. He deserves to run around my home and enjoy life! He doesn't deserve to be quarantined in the bathroom or kitchen. Wasted my fucking time at the shelter. This is the statement from Bor's regular vet place, and I get 3 weeks worth of med for 50 bucks. I hate being held responsible for someone's stupidity. Fucking 9lives.

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