Monday, February 13, 2017

9 weeks

I've finally started to slowly lose track of how long Bor Bor has been gone. It kind of hurts a little because I feel somewhat guilty for doing so. I didn't forget about her, but solid images of her are slowly starting to fade away. Her scent, the texture of her fur and her colors... all these memories of hers are no longer fresh in my mind. I think of her daily still, and I've been extremely busy with life. I wonder how she is doing in cat heaven if it exists. I started to call Uni the little one, well.. the ringworm is taking so fucking long to go away. The shelter offered to treat him for free, since he contracted it there. They told me the ringworm med is a bit pricey when I asked for more. He only took it for two weeks! God... I can't wait to hold him and kiss him. I feel bad for leaving him alone, he is STILL a kitten god damn it! He should get a taste of what being loved is like. He is the second cat I've had officially and he is so much more calm than Bor Bor when she was a kitten. She would ALWAYS put up a fight, and she did put up a darn fight before she passed away. She fought and fought to stay alive until I gave her my final words. My god... tears are starting to come again. Maybe my mind is trying to put away the sad memories of her subconsciously which is why I am starting to lose track of it all. Uni didn't try to scratch me when I bathed him for the 3rd time. I was thankful... I loved Bor Bor regardless, but she was a unique cat definitely. I feel so sad right now and I can't really explain why.

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