Friday, February 17, 2017


 The machine didn't look so large online, but it is actually quite large and bulky in person. The night light feature is so cool. I have a fever so I will make this short. So far so good and I am glad I got this because it makes no more poop scooping forever.
 I was under 100lbs after Bor Bor passed, but managed to be over 100 again. Yay.

 All these cats just get Bor Bor's hand me downs. I miss you Bor Bor.
 4 more days for the giardia med. hang in there! Twice a day for the ringworm med for 3 weeks. Little one, mama is here for you. 
A fucking fever AGAIN... what the FUCK. My last fever was some time in January and I had another in December. FUCK. I also had another fever when I came back from Japan which makes this the 4th fever withing 6 months. FUCK.

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