Sunday, February 19, 2017


 Med schedule for my cats
 Poor smokey. 3 extractions and one was so deep that it affected her nasal cavity. I had Smokey's ownership by law a little over a month ago. (Her cap & release owner gave us permission to be her owner) I didn't let this happen FYI, I found her as a stray around Oct and finally decided to keep her not too long ago. I'd never let a cat get to this point under my care. I had Bor 's teeth cleaned in Davis for under $200 twice but I didn't request any blood work and any X-rays. This is expensive.

 Thanks for getting me this from Chef Chu's. LOL.
 You have a lot of toys, you won't be lonely and mama's photo is by your side!
 I can't wait to throw him a mini welcome party when he doesn't have to be quarantined anymore.

 Thanks for getting me this!
Gold flakes in the center.

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