Thursday, September 29, 2016

Be strong

 The girl in the lower left corner got mad fun of at work by customers. They would say that her face is BIG, which I don't agree with. She feels so bad about herself that she wants to resort to surgery to REMOVE parts of her skull in order to change the shape of her face.

 She says people who don't know her in public would say she is ugly.

 The guest of the show is being encouraged by this COMEDIAN to be strong. She shares her experience of bullying.

 Everyone is trying to talk her out of resorting to surgery and that the inside beauty matters more.
 I felt so bad for her while watching this show because I can relate to it. I have not been bullied to this extent, but I have had my share of MEAN girls telling me I am not this and I am not that. There will always be people who will try to bring you down in life for his or her own entertainment. I have learned it the hard way, and if you can't truly embrace yourself by the end of the day. You will always want to get surgery or something for a fix. I know it is easier said than done because you are fighting with your inner demon and self esteem. My sister has also been bullied intensely for her appearance, so I am a bit sensitive to this topic.


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