Monday, September 12, 2016

Bor Vet Visit!

She always makes me proud whenever I take her out. She is always so calm whenever they do their thing on her. No meows. No scratching. 
 I have so much love for her because she is so LOYAL to me. She has been a loyal friend for me since I was 11. I showed her how to climb the stairs, use the litter box and we went through many adventures together. :( When my so called "best friends" and "boyfriends" betrayed me and hurt me, she would be there for me (well she had no choice because i held onto her and cried). Haha.. but at least she didn't scratch me! She would lick my tears away and sleep next to me.
 Her med!
 Gaia Herb Vitex Berry for women's health review. It seems to be helpful so far, it hasn't helped a whole lot on hormonal acne, and I am just about done with my second bottle.
 This would be the COOLEST birthday cake :P

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