Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Tuesday Catz Schoolz

Her appetite seems to be slowly coming back, but this fight isn't over yet!

Why am I craving for HAWAIIAN PIZZA and EGG TARTS?! :o

Fjallarven Kaken (mini) review. This is a brand founded in Sweden over 50 years ago (1960). I took an interest in this bag because I am a backpack type of girl on my "off" days and whenever I travel. This bag is water resistant and the material felt pretty durable. My North Face backpack is pretty darn durable too, but the inside rubber lining has been coming off and IT IS PROBABLY BC I wash it often in a washing machine. I often wash my backpacks especially after a trip lol because I am somewhat of a clean freak. The size is pretty mini as you can tell. I am pretty satisfied with the selection of colors, material and design. The handles are pretty neat too. Check out their website for more information. Disclaimer: I was not paid to write this.
Aww.. look at her "BORA THE EXPLORER". She is the sweetest cat!
Where are you trying to go Bor Bor?!! Hahaha...

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