Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Genkai Tokki: Seven Pirates 限界凸旗 セブンパイレーツ Review

WARNING: THIS GAME IS VERY PERVERTED and CG spoiler alert. (ONLY 9 or so CGs in this game)

Is this what I think it is...
Uhhh... yeah. This one is pretty obvious

Yeah... I think we all know what this is aside from "Oden-san"
An extra feature where you crack the egg for prizes. Uhhh.. yeah like we need boobs to crack eggs specifically. O_O
Too bad... NOTHING!

Those boobs.. look like melons.
This looks like a tenga.

Look like the pilot. It's boobie man.
How creative...
Uhhhh.. yeah this one is pretty darn obvious.
Seriously.. she should just be nude.
Oh look at those utters. Stars printed on them..
She has pubic hair. Wow..
I couldn't figure this one out

I got my platinum trophy for this game, and please don't expect anything great from the story. The game was a lot shorter than I expected. It is fairly easy to clear the dungeons and quests; however, BOSSES are a pain in the butt and are somewhat challenging especially the VERY LAST bosses. You will need a lot of items, in order to beat them. It doesn't tell you what your level is, but you simply increase your crew's stats by rubbing their boobs however you want to. For example if you rub them in a way that increase their breasts size, you will increase your character's attack points while it could possibly decrease your speed. Whereas, if you make rub her boobs in a way that decreases her size, you will increase your character's defense. The leveling up is somewhat interesting and you don't get the standard numerical "level". You get a potion that allows you to rub their breasts to increase stats after you earn a certain amount of exp from battles. The characters are all useful and unique, also well designed. The battle sound track could be better, but an okay overall. You also have to explore the world map, in order to find these people from "Pai Cult" and find artifacts etc. I enjoyed the game, but don't expect this to be a GREAT game. If you are looking for a perverted, light hearted game that will make you go WTF this is the one to go with. :P I truly enjoyed the creativity, humor and boobs. *Don't get caught playing this in public*

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