Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Beautify COLD

 Uni is still a bit timid, but I am sure he will warm up with my daily hugs and kisses. Hehe, he has been sneezing and coughing A LOT. There is a LOT of discharge dripping out of his eyes and nose. Poor thing.

 Want... This is so cute, but I have A LOT OF PJS already.
 Snapchat is racist. It detects his face easily, but it didn't detect Smokey's (at all) or Bor Bor's easily. Btw that was a joke. :P
Chinese jacket for Chinese new year. LMAO... really. How fashionable. I mean who would really wear that shit?! I don't celebrate Chinese new year, but if I had to... I'd just pop on a red top! 

I went to a nearby esthetician. Our appointment took a bit longer than I expected because we ended up talking about shelter people. Her dog has it worse though. I don't understand how people could be so heartless.

I am watching the RE 7 gameplay and it is so fucking scary. IT IS COMPLETELY different from the ones released in the past 10 years. Wow... I want to play it, but it looks so scary. I don't think I can handle it lol.

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