Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Silk Peel Dermal Infusion Review

 It was my first time getting this done, and I was very happy with the results. I have a high tolerance for pain; therefore, it did not really feel painful for me. It feels like "coining" on your face, but with suction. I did not mind the pricking sensation, but I think this might be considered painful for some. The aesthetician adjusted something on the machine when I told her the pain level was around 3 - 4 out of 5. She had me rate it on a scale of 1 - 5 throughout the process. Vitamin C was applied onto my face and it stung a little, but it went away soon after she put the mini fan next to my face. My face felt so smooth and soft after the entire procedure. Well.. almost as smooth and soft as a baby's bottom. Hah, and I couldn't stop touching and staring at my skin after. For $150 bucks (60mins), it was definitely worth it and THERE IS NO DOWN TIME for this procedure. You can wear makeup right after, hell yeah right?! She recommended getting this done every 4 to 6 weeks, which seems reasonable if this will keep my skin in a better shape. I have been making the extra effort to take care of my skin, since I am in my mid 20s and you know what they say.. "You ain't getting younger!".
 I like La Perla as well, but their designs are not as fun as AP.
 Uni licked me today! Yay... lick me more. =P
They forgot my "Tropicana" roll and gave it to me for free.

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