Friday, December 30, 2016

2016 Recap*

 I'd definitely tell my future kids about you Bor Bor. My DAUGHTER!

 After my Japan trip. I kissed her while I had my flu mask on!

 HER LAST TIME celebrating my birthday with me! 10/03/2016.


 We called her "Chinese Bor Bor"

 Eat paw
 Lick me...
 When the plumber came to fix something in the bathroom

 Some of my posts from Wechat. I had to screen cap the memorable ones.

When I started coughing like a mother fucker after Japan in October.
 She stayed by my side.. when I was sick as fuck.
 WHEN I WENT THROUGH HELL IN JUNE 2016. She was there and she knew I was sick as FUCK.
 She supported me through this ordeal.

 I didn't mind her claws at all. Someone thought I had "declawed" her WHICH IS A HELL TO THE NO to me. I'd never do something so inhumane to cats! I simply wanted to play with her, I didn't mind her claws plus I cut them twice a month. She didn't play rough either.

Haha.. she peed on the pillow I got from the onsen. I remember... I didn't get mad at her though.
 Thanks for grabbing me food.
Thanks thanks thanks.... for all your support.

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