Saturday, December 24, 2016

Two weeks since you've been gone...

 Can't really smile without you by myside
 I had fun drawing. I am an amateur!

 Aww isn't this cute?
 We took this cat for a vet visit and IT TURNS OUT she's been microchipped and spayed. I suspected she has been a house cat from her friendliness. She is 10 lbs. TWO LBS heavier than BOR BOR. Bor Bor was 8 lbs during her healthiest, and LOST 2 lbs before she passed. :*( So sad... I thought I'd do something good for a stray, but it turns out it has an owner. By law, she will be staying at the animal hospital until her owner responds.

 Thanks Max!
 MY ALL TIME fav because it has actual alcohol in it.
 I LOVE HER, isn't she sexy!? I want to try wearing a Boa Hancock wig someday.

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