Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas loneliness

 I felt so miserable yesterday. I cried for a few hours before I could finally move on and be positive. Someone asked me if looking at Bor Bor photos made me feel better or worse. Honestly now that she is gone, I can only relive our memories through photos and videos. I still smile and giggle whenever I look at her photos and videos, but I am sad that she is no longer with me.
 Another customized item from Etsy!
 Aww, my second bed for her. I have bought her over 8 collars, over 50 outfits, over 5 beds during our 5 years together.

 Thanks for having me!

 I came across this photo of some of my louboutins. I haven't bought heels in awhile.
She was there for me when I was going through tough times half a year ago... Thanks so much Bor Bor.

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