Saturday, December 10, 2016

Not even 24 hours yet... Fresh wounds

I have been looking at Bor Bor's photos and videos nonstop, but it's caused me to smile. Those were really precious and beautiful memories that I will always cherish. I had a habit of snapping photos of her daily and recording little thing. THANK GOODNESS. I have so many photos of her on my computer. I CANNOT recall a day she's made me SAD aside from TODAY when she passed. All these photos and videos remind me of our happy golden days. No matter how tough my day was, seeing her would take away all my pain. I am obviously still not used to her absence. I kept trying to get up to go over to her "throne" wanting to hold her and kiss her. I am not used to having to describe Bor Bor in past tense. I have said I MISS YOU over 20 times today..... sigh.

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