Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Another day without you

When I tried to smile for us

I would kiss and hug her everyday!

Thanks Max
Why da fuck were all the pumpkin products all sold out. FUCK.
I bought a shit load of Polaroid films just because of Bor Bor. I probably got over 50 boxes of them just to take photos of Bor Bor and I.
Hehe.. this was delicious and was 50% off! Awww.. yummy.

Been crying too much? Maybe..

I thought about the death scene, and how Luffy really lost it after. I wish I had said my final goodbye with a smile instead of crying nonstop. I couldn't control myself, but... I will try to be strong for Bor Bor and I did promise her.
Royce Rum Raisin chocolate bar review. This was supposed to have actual alcohol in it, but I didn't taste ANY! Although the raisins were good. I would've wanted to taste MORE of the rum.
Took a bath to relax.

I hope she is happy in cat heaven. I know she is probably watching over me with these beautiful wings.
Thanks for this book my dear Jade. I can't wait to stop on it.
 I didn't know you'd send it overnight. Thanks so much... even though I won't get to open it any time soon. I know you have been trying so hard to cheer me up.
Isn't this adorable????

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